Club Deportivo and its members have a strong history of giving and community service. Here are just a few of the ways our Club community gives. Some are official Club programs, some are member initiated, some are community projects where members participate.
Graduation CeremonyHigh School Graduation
The Club is proud of the town's graduates and makes every effort to show how important this milestone is to the rest of us and society as a whole.
Current Projects
(Community Program) A micro-credit program with the mission of getting Old Kino residents out of cardboard and wood “squatter homes” and into solid, fireproof houses. The organization’s model builds self-esteem and healthy communities. Families receive small non-interest loans which they repay with small monthly payments. As a group, Familias Unidas participants help one another organize fund-raising activities: clothing sales, raffles, bingo, sale of arts and crafts, and Mexican food and refreshments. Contacts: Marisa Martinez at 242-0278 or Francine Bailey at 242-1348. KINO BAY LADIES CLUB (Member Initative) This organization is dedicated to welcoming all women of the Kino community. Luncheon meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday of the month: November thru March. The Kino Ladies Klub raises funds to support the KLK High School Scholarship program and other worthwhile community needs. The Annual KLK Scholarship Golf Tournament is the major fundraiser of the year. For more information, contact: Ronna Mann: [email protected] KLK (KINO LADIES KLUB) SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM This program began in the fall of 2010 to encourage students to stay in school. The Kino High School students are required to pay tuition to attend three years required for graduation. This program is funded completely with good will donations. Also, some families have chosen to financially support a specific student through this program. It costs $100.00 (US), $135.00 Canadian or 1700 pesos to support one student for one semester. Each scholarship pays registration fees, tuition and books. The only requirement to continue the program for 3 years is to maintain a semester average of 80% or greater. This next school year 2024-25 we will have 36 students, 12 Seniors, 12 Juniors and 12 Sophomores. Donations are always welcome and are accepted throughout the year in any amount. If you would like to make a donation, or sponsor a specific student, please contact any of the following committee members: Diane Ackerman, Chair; Maria Evans; Sparkie MacVeigh; Susan Buesing or Kristen Kolberg. THE GIFT OF AN EDUCATION JUST KEEPS GIVING!! SCHOOL SUPPLIES (Club Outreach Program) Takes school supplies to the Desayunas, a breakfast program, in the fall and continues to resupply them as long as school is in session thru the spring. Donate backpacks, spiral notebooks, pens, pencils, pencil sharpeners, scissors (the type that can be used by either right or left-handed folks), glue (sticks or bottles), colored pencil pkgs, colored folders, pencil-top or flat erasers, and rulers. Backpacks are the first priority. Also they give small toys for birthdays each month (ages 4-15). KINO BAY NEUTER AND SPAY ORGANIZATION Kino Bay Neuter and Spay Organization (KBNSA) provides free sterilization surgeries for Mexican dogs (including street dogs) in the Kino Community. Since its inception in 2012, KBNSA has sterilized over 1800 dogs. To make a donation to this worthy cause, contact Nancy Berg, [email protected] or 662-168-2195 (Mx. cell and What’s App.) FUND RAISING AND CHARITABLE GIVING (Club Outreach Program) Club Deportivo has a primary responsibility, as stated in its charter, for doing service in the community, and annually allocates a percentage of its general fund for those purposes. The Annual Benefit Dinner supports Natural Disaster Relief, Education, Health and Safety, and Nutrition. Club Deportivo has been instrumental in providing and maintaining a medical clinic, a library, and a fire department for Bahía de Kino. It is a regular supporter of the local Red Cross and initiatives of the Port Captain, among others. There are many ways to give. Join one of these efforts, or start your own! Contact the Club Director for Community Outreach, or any board member, with your ideas for community service. Also you can make sure your donation is tax deductible by following the steps outlined in the second column of this web page. |
Club Deportivo has has a proud history of giving . . .
From 1979 to 1984:
• Imported and donated a school bus for the local school • Donated 11,000 pesos for an ambulance • Donated 16,000 pesos to clinic in Old Kino From 1984 to 1994: • Purchased VHF radios for Port Captain and local water department • Donated $2,500.00 to elementary school • Donated $7,000.00 for school construction • Donated urinals and lavatories to elementary school; purchased and installed 8 toilets • Donated second police car • Donated $300.00 to buy two new pews for Catholic Church • Purchased and donated VHF radio for Tourism director • Donated $2,000.00 to scholarship fund to help students study in Hermosillo • Donated 30 typewriters to local school • Donated 6,000 pesos to new preparatory school • Contributed towards 28 scholarships for students from Old Kino • Donated toilets and lavatories to new secondary school From 1995 to 1999: • Donated funds to assist 33 students in the preparatory school • Donated 8,000 pesos for disadvantaged and handicapped children to attend special school in Hermosillo, plus 12,000 pesos for additional services to disabled • Donated proceeds of two benefit dinners to help clinic in Old Kino • Purchased materials and constructed a stage in the Seri Cultural Center • Donated $300.00 to Los Angelitos and annually provided Club space for benefit dinner and project handling From 2000 to present:
This is just a partial list of the ways your Club Deportivo contributes to and supports the community. In addition, individual, Club members contribute in countless other ways. …and the giving continues CLUB DEPORTIVO’S 501C 3 MAKES TAX DEDUCTIBLE GIVING POSSIBLE Club Deportivo has a 501c3 Foundation that will make it possible for you to make tax deductible (depending on your person tax situation) contributions, but you may not know exactly how it works. This is for you...
You may make a donation of any amount directly to Club Deportivo. For donations over $500.00 USD, you will be given a receipt showing the foundation's name, the date, and the specific purpose, if any, for which you made the donation. If you do not specify a particular purpose, the funds are available to the Club for any purpose. If you DO specify a particular purpose, the funds will go into a line item sub account to be used for that purpose, and that purpose only. Club members may ask to have special line item sub accounts established for various purposes, i.e., a community member who is ill and needs assistance, a charitable project such as Familias Unidas or the Clinic in Old Kino, the Ecology Clubs, the Breakfast Kitchen, the Kino Bay Spay and Neuter program, a Capital Fund for the Club, a club project such as kitchen or sports courts renewal, etc. Once you make a donation for your line item, that money will be available for disbursement for that purpose, and the Club will publicize the issue to the rest of the membership so that others, too, may donate, if they chose. To request the establishment of a line item sub account, visit the Club office and speak with Club management, fill out a form with a description of your cause, and make your initial donation. Each month, the Charitable Giving Committee at the Club will review the line items and update information about them to be published in the newsletter so members know what is current. DESCARGA AQUI LA SOLICITUD PARA PARTICIPAR EN LA CENA BENEFICA 2020 |